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2022-06-24 21:14 | 稿件來源:香港新聞網


香港新聞網6月24日電  香港青年代表劉仲恒在聯合國人權理事會一般性辯論中發言,主題為香港回歸25年成就。




Madame President, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Dr Kevin Lau, a radiologist and a Hong Kong citizen  

In 2 weeks, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of HK’s handover back to our Motherland and is now enjoying a “Hong Kong-style capitalist democracy.”

The US sees itself as the world’s oldest democracy but some people were so frustrated they attacked their own Capitol Hill in 2021. 

Do we fancy democracy that wages trade wars disrupting international standard? Or one too busy deflecting internal problems such as the worst inflation in 40 years with raging gas prices? Or one where people have the right to owning guns and we witness seeing children gunned down in schools? 

Most would agree facts prevail above perspectives. There is no one-size-fits-all model. Each country and region must work to find its own democracy model. 

National security law and the new electoral system have been seen by those against China as restricting the rights of HK people, but have in fact safeguarded the rights and interests of its people and businesses. HK has moved from chaos to stability and is now on a new journey towards regaining prosperity and sound governance. 

Hong Kong has one of the lowest child death rates from gun violence and our government with the support of the Central Government has contained our inflation to modest levels. May facts prevail above perspectives. 

I am confident that with the continued support and partnership from our Motherland, HK and its people will thrive with hope and success.(完)



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